Now as I'm blogging my stomach's growling. Feeling damn hungry. Just came back home from town. Shopped with Buddy J and we didn't get anything at all today. What a fruitless(?) day. Didn't see anything that interest me, while the stuffs I want I couldn't find. -.-

Lunched at Carl's Jr. Continued shopping but yet there was nothing we really want. N.Y.D.C after that. The drinks we ordered were damn sweet lah. So diabetic. Yuck. Then home sweet home! We did something quite bad today. Well I think i instigated buddy to do it with me. Hurhur.
Cannot stand it anymore. Out to buy prata!

Lunched at Carl's Jr. Continued shopping but yet there was nothing we really want. N.Y.D.C after that. The drinks we ordered were damn sweet lah. So diabetic. Yuck. Then home sweet home! We did something quite bad today. Well I think i instigated buddy to do it with me. Hurhur.
Cannot stand it anymore. Out to buy prata!
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