Thursday's usually one of my most dreadful day since lessons starts at 9am and freaking ends at 5pm. By the time I reached home would normally be super dead already. And once again, we skipped Ocomm lecture(which almost everyone does) and went to look for our own activities. Was Melody's birthday so some of them went to Town as a form of celebration for her as there was 4hours of break. We weren't very close to her so we didn't go of course.
Thus we went K-boxing! Was quite fun since this was the very first time I went K-boxing with my poly besties...

Douglas. Me. Mayber. Doreen. Amanda.
Mayber can really sing please. They kept pester her to join Project Superstar. And Doreen can really RAP! Believe it or not. She's the female version of Jay Chou cos the raps she did were all from Jay's. We were so amazed lah. =D Amanda's kept laughing at us, esp at Doreen's raps. Super evil lahs. Douglas die also don't sing. He said he has never ever sang at K-box. Usually he would just sit there and listen and have drinks. That's so true. He didn't sang a song at all despite the girls forcing him to.
And Melvin! There's Love Story at K-box already and I made a mess out of that song. Oops! =x
I kind of like Friday's hockey cos that was the first time I made myself get actively involved in the games. And I even scored during the few matches. Hurhur. Aint I great? Hurt my theigh though. But that's nothing compared to Ken's. He actually went to toilet to vomit after that. Poor him.
There's this guy that looks like a Korean that leaves me with a deep impression. But he don't resemble stars like Bae Yong Jun or whoever kae. Some say he looked like Da Chang Jin character. LOL super funny lor. I think so too. *smirks*
Had breakfast with Jiehui as usual. After that I actually left my laptop at the canteen!!! I was fucking alarmed when I realised I forgot to bring it with me for the next class. Rushed back to the canteen and searched frantically for it. Found it in the end. Phew~ Scare the hell out of me please. I know I'm super careless.
Coffee Bean again during night time! We were actively gossiping about people around us. Haha! There was a group of Malaysians that sat next to us and JR and me were super irritated. Basically because one of the guy kept forgetting to close the door. JR kept shouting ''Close the door lah'' or something and I think the guy heard. Wahaha. Kept imitating how Malaysians speak too. Hey we're not racist lah! Really!
They're also very interested in horoscopes recently and thus we decided to call each other by our horoscopes. So I'm called Aquarius. JR's called Pisces and XT's named Capricorn. Lame I know. One more thing. ''Whatever'' is our new frequent-used term. When people asked us something then we'll go, ''Whatever''. Haha so rude right!
Saturday went to my cousin's birthday party at Floravale, some condo at Westwood area lah. She turned 21 yesterday. The whole thingy was soso. Food was in a buffet style and it taste okay only. My sister kept complaining the food sucks. Well the cake was enormous. 4kgs if I'm not wrong.
I think my cousin was super happy that day since many of her friends, colleagues and us the relatives turned up. She received a number of gifts too. Probably the best was the bouquet of flowers from her boyfriend I guess.
Then there was this group of bitchy girls, which i think was my cousin's friends. Couldn't stand them at all. They'll kept staring at people with their big eyes and laughed at how the way people dressed themselves. What the hell. Wanted to snap their bitchy faces using my fone and post them up here but I don't want their pictures to be polluting my blog. Yucks.
You were beautiful that day! Its true! =D
Rotted at home today. I'm still in dilemma of should I or should I not. Thanks for everyone's concern by the way. You people simply rocked. I'm crying already. Haha!
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