Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was such a letdown, ok at least to me. The front part was kind of bad because the scenes weren't connected in a way that flows smoothly. I think the part that was good was how harry and friends were practising defence against dark arts and the interaction between Umbridge. They did not focus much on the part where Sirius Black was killed and how heartbroken harry was, and that was a big gap from the book itself. Anyhow I think Luna Lovegood's so looney cute. (the girl with the white hair)

Supposed to go for the dragonboat thingy at kallang with buddy today. But due to us being too tired, we decided not to go. I think I was a little guilty cos the event leader kept texting me but I did not reply him as I was really very tired. Woke up at freaking two p.m. Argh, we must have missed out the good scorching sun and the hot people.

Need to tan soon.

So far, everything's been dandy and fine. Issues here and there pop out every day, but at least it gets settled. Just need to work on the 40page business plan by this week, and I'm a happy person again. Ah wells.

Too strong for too long


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