This whole entire week had been dedicated almost fully to work, except Tuesday where I actually woke up early to visit my brother who was admitted to the hospital on Monday. Work was unbelievably slack that you will never believe. All I did was munching away snacks at my desk, watching youtube, playing online games, playing poker cards, blog-hopping and picking up ONE or TWO calls per day on average. I sooooo love my job. Formula 1 rocks. And the happiest thing of all, tomorrow's the last day! Working hours are pretty long so I had to turn down quite a number of mahjong sessions but other than that everything's fine. :) I've planned out what to do next week and I am soooo motivated to complete them. Till then!
Semester 5
Corporate Communication B+Corporate Finance & Advisory Services AInvestments AMarketing of Financial Services B+Practice & Law of Banking A+Treasury AWorld Issues: A Singapore Perspective B+
GPA: 3.8333
Really had a pleasant shock this morning when I checked the results. Happy that my efforts actually paid off and it's good to hear that many had also done well. Bernice and I had the same GPA. :) Let's work hard for our 4.0 next semester! :)
Hard Rock
Very very overdue pictures:

I realised I looked kinda crap during that exam period. Anyway, I missed these people so much.
though heart is frail, it's hard to kill
Work started today and man, I was almost bored to tears. The sight of singtel mobile and broadband plans are making me sick and today is only the first day. Though work is boring but it is in a way good cos I won't have time to think of unnecessary stuffs that are upseting me. Breakfast cum Lunch with the clique yesterday was good. :)
It feels really good at times when you're all alone by yourself, staring at how beautiful the night is after a rain. I had the urge to walk home in the rain last night but I didn't and I wished I had.I can't figure out why but emotions are taking over me.if you just realized

Credits to eve :)
Why is it that things will only get better when the imaginary crackline has surfaced? I just don't understand and I don't think I will. Can't be bothered. Ok shits aside, I saw this green jacket at Diesel which I had my eyes glued onto it for freaking fifteen minutes. Know what? It costs a bloody $499. Forget it. goodbye stranger